Discover Your Genealogy...for Free!

It’s time for Back to School, and as parents, caregivers and kids scramble to make either distance or in-person learning a smooth process, we all strive for quality education and a love for learning!

Lifestyle Expert Amy E. Goodman shows her kids their genealogy on

I recently teamed with Ancestry to share FREE RESOURCES they are making available for teachers, parents, tutors and educators!

  1. First is a free, 6-month subscription to Ancestry World Explorer for educators. The catch? You need to sign up by Sept 30th with your credentials, so don’t hesitate, it’s quite easy: here’s the link.

  2. Second is for parents, tutors and other educators who wish to use genealogy as a teaching tool. This is accomplished through Ancestry Library Edition, which is accessible for FREE through participating public libraries. The program grants card holders access to billions of records and resources in over 30,000 databases that span from the 1500s to the 2000s.

  3. Third is Ancestry K12, a no-cost program that offers K-12 participating schools access to content from Fold3, and the U.S. collection of Ancestry.

Lifestyle Expert shares genealogy tips for

Having just built my own family tree on the site, which was such a source of wonder and delight, I can attest to the numerous ways one can use Ancestry to make history come alive! I learned so much about my ancestors that I’m now sharing with my children, parents and extended family, which you can learn about in the above link.

Here’s wishing everyone a great start to school, with loads of fascinating resources to invigorate learning!

This post is sponsored by Ancestry.